It's been fantastically beautiful out the past couple of days and lucky enough we made it to the park yesterday for a small hike and walk. Sadie as usual, had a blast, roaming through the woods, running in the streams, playing with the dogs we met. As we walk through the woods, she loves going up a little ways all the side trails we pass. It's like she's a ranger, make sure all the pathways are safe for travel. More likely, she's looking for new people to meet, new dogs to sniff and play with, and maybe a bird or two to chase.
Practising "Sit" and "Wait" on the trail. We've been trying to do some of our basic obedience in places other than class and at home. |
"Hello Boston Terrier, IT'S ON!!!" |
Getting owned by boston terrier that's about 1/3 her size. Her move is always to get on her back and kick and bit legs. Pretty adorable! |
On the trail on the way back to car. Always waiting for you guys to catch up! |
Hurry up Mum, your so SLOW! |
So beautiful and sunny! |
Posing for the camera! |
Stalk the ducks. The ducks always think Sadie is going to feed them. Not the smartest ducks! | | | | |
After a hard days run, sleeping it off with her favourite stuffed goose. It's like her baby! |
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